Ayurveda Doshas: How to Manage Pitta-Kapha Constitution

Ayurvedic treatment lays emphasis on the three doshas, namely, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Ayurveda doctors recommend individuals to manage a dual dosha Prakriti in accordance with the seasons. Ayurvedic treatment has gained huge popularity in India in recent times. The Kerala Ayurveda treatment centers are incorporating the advanced medical technologies in their approach.

Qualities of Pitta

The prime qualities of pitta are oily, hot, sharp, fleshy smelling, spreading and liquid. If there is an excess amount of pitta in the human body, it is very likely to cause anxiety disorders in people. The importance of pitta is listed as follows:
  • Oily quality imparts softness in the skin,
  • When a person has bright intellect, it is due to sharp quality
  • Hotness gives warm body temperatures and strong metabolism rates
  • If an individual has strong body odor, it is because of “fleshy-smelling” quality of pitta
  • Increased sweating issues occur due to liquid quality

What are the Tastes that Increase and Decrease Pitta Levels?

Ayurvedic treatment is embedded in the concept “like increases like”. If the inherent qualities of pitta are increased, it will subsequently escalate the body temperature. Tastes like pungent, salty and sour increase pitta levels to a great extent. If individuals consume chili pepper or sour pickles, the pitta levels will go high.

Tastes like bitter, sweet and astringent come helpful in decreasing pitta. Ayurveda doctors advise patients to increase the intake of wheat, herbs and leafy green items as they are of great help in reducing pitta levels. The Kerala Ayurveda treatment centers are addressing the interests and concerns of individuals with utmost precision.

How Herbs Can Control Pitta Constitution in a Person

It is necessary from the part of individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to control pitta levels in their body. Herbs like Brahmi, Bhringaraj, and Guduchi are capable of removing excess pitta in absolute terms.

Qualities of Kapha

The top qualities of Kapha are listed as follows:
  • Unctuous: It enables smooth joint function
  • Cool quality: This helps persons to get a cool skin and a calm temperament
  • Density: It results in enhanced stamina and well-formed muscles

What are the Tastes that Increase and Decrease Kapha Levels?

It is the sour, sweet and salty tastes that increase Kapha levels in the human body. Wheat, pickles, and salt are useful in increasing Kapha levels. Individuals must consume leafy green vegetables and chili pepper for reducing Kapha as they are of pungent, bitter and astringent tastes.

How Herbs Can Control Kapha Constitution in a Person

Individuals need to consume more of natural herbs like Bibhitaki, Chitrak, and Punarnava as they can eliminate excess Kapha from the human body. People must intake light and freshly cooked foods so as to maintain a healthy Kapha balance in their body.

The importance of Ayurvedic treatment is very likely to grow in the forthcoming days. The Kerala Ayurveda treatment centers are leaving no stone unturned so as to generate the most of patient satisfaction and treat help balance their doshas. If you are having a chronic illness, go with Ayurvedic therapy without any doubt.
