A Guide to the Three Doshas of Ayurveda

three doshas of ayurveda

It is a well-known fact that Ayurveda is the oldest health care tradition in India. Ayurvedic treatment lays emphasis on the usage of natural herbs. An increasing number of individuals are resorting to Ayurvedic treatment as it is free from all sorts of side effects. Ayurveda highlights the fact that every person has a unique constitution that further determines his/her physical and mental character. The best Ayurvedic doctors in India are incorporating the latest medical technologies in their operations and thereby, solving patients’ issues within a short span of time.

Principles of Ayurveda

Ayurveda lays stress on the ‘bodily energies’ that are alternately termed as ‘doshas’. The three doshas of Ayurveda - pitta, vata and kapha are present in each and every individual in varying proportions. It is the imbalance between these three aspects that lead to illness.

Three Doshas of Ayurveda

The three doshas of Ayurveda are discussed as follows:


This bodily energy is connected with fire. It is pitta that controls the digestive and endocrine systems of a human body. Research studies highlight the fact that individuals who have higher levels of pitta energy are generally intelligent, fast-paced and have a fiery temperament. The Ayurveda treatment in India is gaining an added dimension owing to the professionalism of the medical practitioners.

There are instances when pitta energy is deficient in the human body. In such cases, the person is very likely to suffer from ulcers, inflammation, digestive problems, heartburn, anger, and arthritis.


Vata energy is synonymous with air and space. This energy is linked to the bodily movements of an individual. Vata is also connected with the breathing and blood circulation of a human body.

This bodily energy is predominant in lively and enthusiastic individuals. When vata energy goes out of balance, various illness occurs in the form of joint pain, dry skin, constipation, and stress issues.


This energy is associated with earth and water. It handles the growth and strength of a person in a true sense. They are Kapha types, which are generally strong and solid in the constitution. The best Ayurvedic doctors in India are taking care of the concerns of individuals on a precise note.

People who have more of this energy are generally calm in nature. There are times when Kapha energy is deficient in the human body. In such cases, the individual is very likely to suffer from obesity, diabetes, sinus problems, gallbladder and insecurity issues.

What Causes Imbalance in These Doshas

Various factors like stress, unhealthy diet, tumultuous relationships, and adverse weather conditions create an imbalance in these doshas. Ayurveda doctors recommend people to shed all unhealthy eating habits while exercising on a regular basis. The mediation and yoga sessions can play a great hand in improving the physical and mental well-being of a person.

Modern-day people are preferring Ayurvedic treatment as its healing therapies are grounded on natural processes. The Ayurveda treatment in India is very likely to gain an upsurge in the coming days. So, if you are suffering from serious illness, you can resort to Ayurvedic treatment for positive results.
